Showing posts with label baby and child. Show all posts
What is the most common illness for a baby? | MOMSANDCHILD
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What is the most common illness for a baby? | MOMSANDCHILD

Newborns have weak immunity  this is why they are more exposed to   diseases And viruses ; in this article We try to present The ten most common diseases To which new childr…

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How to spend the quarantine time with your child? | MOMSANDCHILD
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How to spend the quarantine time with your child? | MOMSANDCHILD

With the outbreak of the Corona epidemic and due to the current circumstances that force us to take great precautions to avoid the transmission of infection, we must be quar…

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What can you give a baby that is teething? | MOMSANDCHILD
baby and child

What can you give a baby that is teething? | MOMSANDCHILD

The known deciduous teeth are the child's primary teeth that last up to the age of 12 years.      Permanent teeth appear immediately after.         The time for th…

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How to protect my child from diaper rash? | MOMSANDCHILD
baby and child

How to protect my child from diaper rash? | MOMSANDCHILD

لا تتوقف مشكلة التهاب الحفاضات عند الأطفال ولا تنتهي. تعاني معظم الأمهات من هذه المشكلة التي تبدو صعبة ولكن في الواقع من السهل حلها إذا اتخذن الإجراءات اللازمة. كيف يحدث طفح الحفا…

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How can I change my baby's sleep from night to day? | MOMSANDCHILD
baby and child

How can I change my baby's sleep from night to day? | MOMSANDCHILD

10 daily habits to regulate the newborn's sleep   After giving birth to a baby, the mother lives a new period in the presence of her infant, who has moved from her womb to…

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What foods do you introduce to baby first? | MOMSANDCHILD
baby and child

What foods do you introduce to baby first? | MOMSANDCHILD

When does the baby start eating? and what are the most important and appropriate foods for him? In order for the newborn to grow, he needs nutrition, starting from the first months of h…

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How do you know that the baby is healthy? | MOMSANDCHILD
baby and child

How do you know that the baby is healthy? | MOMSANDCHILD

بعد الإنجاب ، قد يشعر الوالدان بالخوف بسبب احتمال إصابة المولود ببعض الأمراض ، وللتحقق من صحة الطفل ، هناك بعض العلامات التي تظهر عليه وتوضيح ما إذا كان طبيعيًا أم قابل للعكس ، وف…

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Why do babies make sudden movements? | MOMSANDCHILD
baby and child

Why do babies make sudden movements? | MOMSANDCHILD

يقوم الطفل بالعديد من الحركات غير الطبيعية ، وهي حركات لا إرادية تفاجئ الأم وتسبب القلق للوالدين ، وخاصة الأطفال الجدد.   سنحاول هنا في هذه المقالة لفت الانتباه إلى بعض ال…

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